S1. Ep.4 "John Cameron Mitchell: OBSESSED!"


We check in with John Cameron Mitchell and get an update on the Return to the Origin of Love Tour: The Songs and Stories of Hedwig by JCM and Stephen Trask, featuring Amber Martin.

JCM and Heklina chat about some of the inspirations for Hedwig & Trannyshack, including the storied Squeezebox bar. It turns out JCM is obsessed with Barry Manilow, and that Burt Reynolds was obsessed with JCM. Heklina and JCM go full-circle on our obsession with Liza Minnelli.

We find out about JCM’s podcast Anthem: Homunculus starring, John Cameron Mitchell, Patti LuPone, Glenn Close, Cynthia Erivo, Marion Cotillard and Laurie Anderson, and more!

Marc is obsessed with John’s timely film How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2017). John gives us an update on his role in the Aidy Bryant created Hulu show Shrill. New Special Segment! Marc’s high school drama club submits questions for JCM and we find out a little bit about the creative process behind Short Bus (2006), learn about John’s favorite portrayal of Hedwig on Broadway, and more!

Episode Artwork by Mister B Nation and graphics are by Nancy French.


S1. Ep. 5 “It's Big, It's Beautiful, and You're Gonna Love It!”


S1. Ep.3 “What in gay hell???" ft. Sister Roma