S3. Ep.1 Why I’m Here ft. Fauxnique
We are back for a new season of Drag Time with Heklina! We have Monique Fauxnique! Fauxnique is an artist, a performer, a choreographer and a writer. You might know her as the first cis-woman to win a major drag queen pageant. Justin Vivian Bond calls her ‘the Jane Goodall of drag’ and you have never heard a Lady Bunny impression as good as Fauxnique's. She has a new book which literally will not stay on the shelves at City Lights Books, which examines a life of performance and recalls some of the more indelible moments of Trannyshack. It’s called “Fauxqueen: A Life in Drag by Monique Jenkinson” available January 25th, 2022 from Amble press or wherever you get fine books, and we love it!
S2. Ep. 23 For the Love of Creation ft. Debora Iyall
Our very special guest is none other than the artist, poet, and total rocker Debora Iyall. She tells us all about the genesis of her post-punk/new wave band Romeo Void which formed at San Francisco Arts Institute in 1979. Debora is a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe, a tribe of Southwestern Coast Salish and Sahaptan people indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest located in Washington. She tells us a little about her time with Occupy Alcatraz at just 16 years old. Debora has some great stories, including the time that Miss X (Vegas in Space) did her makeup when Romeo Void opened for the Jim Carroll Band on NYE.
S2. Ep. 22 Wild, Headless Baby! ft. Frankie Sharp
We have the very cute Frankie Sharp! Frankie has nightlife in his DNA and we ask him all about his San Francisco start back in 1998, his influences like Trannyshack, spending time at The Stud, and throwing parties at The Gangway. This episode is a masterclass for any of you P.T. Barnum hopefuls lurking out there. Frankie tells us about growing into the New York nightlife impresario he is today. Frankie is known for hosting popular NY parties such as Westgay at Westway and he loves bizarre and beautiful. He is now the owner/operator of New York’s brand new four-story nightclub “The Q” along with Jake Shears, Billy Porter, Charlie Carver, Zachary Quinto, Bob Fluet, and Alan Picus. We find out everything you need to know about the vibes, the programming, and the queer world created by Frankie and his supporters. The Q is the slightly seedy, very chic, towering enclave that is equal parts theater and club house, and 100% Frankie’s love-letter to New York.
S1. Ep. 24 Utopia Offered ft. Leo Herrera
We’re speaking with Leo Herrera, an activist/filmmaker, writer, and queer viral-art film artist. We discuss his prolific and timely micro essays as well as his multi-episodic, science fiction documentary The Fathers Project, which asks you to imagine a queer world if there had been no AIDS. We get deep into it about what’s at stake in the US Presidential election but also talk about what’s BEEN going on and how some must really plan for survival. Leo tells us about up-coming archival release from The Fathers Project, bringing you moving images from queer sanctums and sanctuaries throughout the USA. Find out more at iftheylived.org.